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The Edge – “Caribou and Screech”

“Caribou and Screech” “The Edge” Hunting TV Show with Steve Ecklund Woodland Caribou Hunt at Deep Country Lodge, Newfoundland

Newfoundland Slam: A Canadian Trifecta with Deep Country Lodge

You’ve covered vast stretches of land and made numerous stalks, each one laborious, yet breathtaking. Then it happens. The high-powered binoculars find the sunlight reflecting off an object. All at once, you recognize the glimmering object as the majestic antlers of a caribou. You feel a surge of adrenaline – it is stunning.

Such is a day of hunting in the backcountry of Newfoundland. On bright sunny days in this Canadian province, it’s extra spectacular. It’s the kind of heart-pounding experience that Louis Baum has come to expect in this remote big game hunting paradise. On this particular day, locating and harvesting a trophy-class caribou was the objective, specifically the woodland caribou, the largest Canadian subspecies and the variety this easternmost province is known for.

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World Record Potential?

In my view, it is an indisputable fact: The next world-record black bear will come off the island of Newfoundland. Sure, big bears can be found prowling about in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alaska, California and Arizona as well as North Carolina and Pennsylvania. In fact, a trophy bear, one big enough to claim the world-record title, might come from just about anywhere bear tracks can be found. But if you want to stack the odds in your favor, then you must take a long look at this island province.

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Better to be Lucky Than Good

“Better to be Lucky Than Good” is reprinted here from Boone and Crockett Club’s Spring 2006 Fair Chase magazine with the express written permission of the Boone and Crockett Club.

Jay Wolfenden has put his time in, and has very much earned most of the game he has come by. For that reason, he has no reservations about laughing at the ease with which his hunt went for what is the biggest woodland caribou entered so far in the 26th Awards Program.


Close and Personal

“Whether your quarry barely reaches the one-pound mark in weight or pushes the scales past the 1,200-pound level, there’s an element of excitement in each and every hunt. For many, the pursuit of small game is more exhilarating because there’s more action over a longer period of time, while those who favour the larger animals will tell you that firing one shot for an entire season carries enough anticipation to last from one steadying of the crosshairs to the next. Dwight Blackwood and I have hunted virtually every game animal in this province, from grouse to moose, with each adventure bringing its own rewards and anticipation.”

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Book Your Big Game Newfoundland Hunt – Call Dean Today! 1.709.685.2463

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